Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Remembering Our Troops This Holiday

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the holidays and the coming new year, it is important that we remember the members of our armed forces who are spending this holiday season far from home and in harm's way.  These thousands of heroes have family and friends they wish they could spend the holidays with.  But they gave that up to ensure we are safe to do these things.  So, when you have your delicious holiday dinner, when you sit by your Christmas tree in your warm home, when you bring in the new year, take a moment to remember and thank the thousands of selfless Americans who cannot.

I have included, below, a video of the music group, Kiss, entertaining the troops in Iraq.  Take a moment to view it and give thanks to these brave men and women.

[My thanks to Lois Garliech for forwarding this video]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hyperinflation is Guaranteed!

Over the past two years I posted numerous articles warning of HYPERINFLATION and, even, TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE if we continue down the path of UNCONTROLLED SPENDING enacted by the Obama administration.  The resulting debt, I said, would destroy our economy.  I spent many sleepless nights over my concern for the economic survival of our country.  I hoped and prayed I was wrong.  Unfortunately, I have been watching helplessly as my most fearful scenario continued to develop.

In May, I discovered an organization called the National Inflation Association.  At that time it was relatively unknown.  Its mission was to prepare Americans for hyperinflation and help Americans to survive.  But it has been doing a superb job of raising a warning flag to the pending disaster for our economy and the actions required to save it. Since that time the NIA has gained national renown as its predictions have come to fruition.  In its latest article, the organization warns that "hyperinflation is guaranteed if the US stays on its current path".  The article goes into great detail explaining the mechanisms leading to this disaster.  And we're not talking 20 years down the road.  It's already started!

The American people intuitively have known that uncontrolled spending will lead to economic disaster.  That is why the Congress was cleaned out and replaced in the recent election.  That, however, is not enough!  Even the members of Congress who acknowledge the problem are afraid to enact the extreme steps and cutbacks in entitlements that are essential to preventing total economic failure.  We are so far over our heads in debt that to save our economy ALL AMERICANS WILL FEEL THE PAIN!

What we, the people, need to do, now, is contact our elected officials and ensure they know that we are aware of the crisis, that we are aware of the extreme and painful measures required to save our economy and, most importantly, that WE ARE NOT ONLY WILLING, BUT THAT WE DEMAND THEY TAKE THESE ACTIONS!

I include the latest National Inflation Association article, below, for your review.
Hyperinflation is Guaranteed if U.S. Stays on Current Path
by the National Inflation Association

The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform released last week their 'CoChairs' Proposal' on how the U.S. can achieve $100.2 billion in domestic savings and $100.1 billion in defense savings in fiscal year 2015, for total discretionary spending savings of $200.3 billion. Combined with other steps designed to boost tax revenues, the commission's plan, if implemented, is expected to reduce the projected 2015 U.S. budget deficit by $400 billion to $372 billion. NIA believes it is very unlikely that our representatives in Washington will have the political backbone and courage to implement any of the commission's proposed spending cuts. The truth is, the U.S. is on a path towards exploding budget deficits in the years ahead, that could cause an outbreak of hyperinflation by the end of calendar year 2015.

Many people are asking us when exactly we expect our food price projections to be reached. We can pretty much guarantee you that all of our food price projections will be seen this decade. There is a very good chance of our projections being reached by the end of calendar year 2015 and a slight chance that they will be reached as soon as the 2012 elections. NIA's food price projections are very conservative. They are based on the current purchasing power of the U.S. dollar and do not factor in the likelihood of an outbreak of hyperinflation.

NIA believes that if the U.S. stays on its current path, we are guaranteed to see hyperinflation this decade. The only way it will be possible to prevent hyperinflation is if the U.S. government dramatically cuts spending across the board immediately and if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates from near zero percent (where they have been for nearly two years) to a level that is higher than the real rate of price inflation. Considering that the Federal Reserve still claims to fear deflation and just announced massive quantitative easing, we see very little chance of any major interest rate hikes taking place during the next six months.

Although the commission's proposal includes many large spending cuts including freezing federal salaries for three years (saving $15.1 billion), cutting the federal workforce by 10% (saving $13.2 billion), and eliminating 250,000 non-defense service and staff augmentee contractors (saving $18.4 billion); even if their proposal was implemented it would be too little too late. The commission's proposal calls for its cuts to be gradually implemented beginning in early 2012 and it includes absolutely no meaningful cuts to social security. The only proposed major changes to social security are raising the retirement age to 68 in year 2050 and 69 in year 2075. There is absolutely no chance of the U.S. dollar surviving past the year 2020 unless much more drastic spending cuts than the commission has proposed are implemented within the next twelve months.

The commission says that if we fail to implement their proposed spending cuts, we will likely see interest payments on our national debt reach $1 trillion by 2020. The reality is, NIA believes interest payments on our national debt are likely to reach $1 trillion in 2015. It is currently projected that our interest payments in 2015 will be $586 billion. However, this number is based on a projected 4.1% interest rate on our 91-day treasury bills and 5.3% interest rate on our 10-year treasury bills.

The yield on 10-year U.S. treasuries has risen in recent weeks by 41 basis points to 2.94%, up from 2.53% on November 4th. NIA believes it is likely the 10-year yield will rise back above 4% in the first half of 2011. By 2015, we expect the 10-year yield to be substantially higher then 5.3%. During the 1970s, the last time we had an inflationary crisis like the one we are rapidly approaching, yields on the 10-year bond exploded. When each of the agricultural commodities in our food inflation report reached their real all time highs in the 1970s, the average 10-year bond yield at the time of their highs was 7.47%. With the Federal Reserve likely to be forced to raise the Fed Funds Rate to around this same level, based on our projected public debt in 2015 of $14 trillion, our interest payments will likely rise to $1.046 trillion or 29% of projected tax receipts, and this is a very conservative estimate.

The Federal Reserve's monetary base currently stands at $1.9851 trillion and is projected to rise to $2.5851 trillion by mid-2011 due to the Fed's upcoming $600 billion in quantitative easing. The U.S. M2 money supply rose over the past week by $22.4 billion to $8.7862 trillion. This represents a $1.1648 trillion annualized increase, which would equal 13.25% monetary inflation over the next year. The M2 multiplier, or M2 divided by the monetary base, currently stands at 4.426, compared to a long-term average of 10. Based on a projected monetary base of $2.5851 trillion and a long-term average M2 multiplier of 10, the M2 money supply has a chance of rising as much as 194% to $25.851 trillion over the next few years.

In the short-term, if the M2 multiplier remains at 4.426, it is likely the M2 money supply could rise to $11.4416 trillion next year, up 30.22% from its current level. With the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Food Index currently up 30.5% from its low in August, it appears as though the market has already factored the upcoming 30.22% increase in the M2 money supply into agricultural commodity prices. Even if food manufacturing companies and retailers agree to accept 2/3 of these rising costs in the form of lower profit margins, Americans will still see about a 10% rise in retail food prices come early 2011.

The upcoming food inflation crisis and eventual hyperinflation will come as a direct result of our representatives in Washington trying to prevent a much needed recession by propping up Real Estate prices through bailouts, stimulus plans, tax rebates, and other wasteful programs. The only thing that our elected representatives care about is remaining in power. They only see our current problems and not the problems that will arrive next as a result of their actions. Their goal is to make the average American as dependent on them as possible through massive price inflation, so that the average American is forced to rely on entitlement programs just to survive.
To view my previous articles on this subject, click on the link(s):

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Final Flight Home Done Right

Countless members of our military have made their final flight home after sacrificing their lives in the defense of their country, freedom and us. A friend just sent me an e-mail with a story written by an unknown airline captain from an unknown airline in his own words. In it he describes what happened when he was informed the remains of a fallen soldier were being transported in the cargo hold of his airplane. This is one instance where it was done right! My hat is off to the captain and his crew, the airline dispatcher and all members of this unknown airline at this unknown hub.

This story will leave you with appreciation as well as damp eyes. I include it, below, for your review.
A Final Flight Home

My lead flight attendant came to me and said, “We have H.R. on this flight.” (H.R. stands for human remains.)

“Are they military?” I asked.

"Yes", she said.

"Is there an escort?" I asked.

"Yes, I already assigned him a seat."

"Would you please tell him to come to the flight deck. You can board him early,” I said.

A short while later, a young army sergeant entered the flight deck. He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier. He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier. The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us.

"My soldier is on his way back to Virginia," he said. He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words.

I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no. I told him that he had the toughest job in the military and that I appreciated the work that he does for the families of our fallen soldiers. The first officer and I got up out of our seats to shake his hand. He left the flight deck to find his seat.

We completed our preflight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful departure. About 30 minutes into our flight I received a call from the lead flight attendant in the cabin. "I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is on board," she said. She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2 year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home. The family was upset because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left. We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four hours for the connecting flight home to Virginia.

The father of the soldier told the flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and being unable to see him was too much for the family and him to bear. He had asked the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him upon our arrival. The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch their soldier being taken off the airplane. I could hear the desperation in the flight attendant's voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. "I’m on it," I said. I told her that I would get back to her.

Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail like messages. I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly on a secondary radio. There is a radio operator in the operations control center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact with the dispatcher. I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it was the family wanted. He said he understood and that he would get back to me.

Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher. We were going to get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family. I sent a text message asking for an update. I saved the return message from the dispatcher and the following is the text:

"Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. There is policy on this now and I had to check on a few things. Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet the aircraft. The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side. A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family. The family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal where the remains can be seen on the ramp. It is a private area for the family only. When the connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home. Captain, most of us here in flight control are veterans. Please pass our condolences on to the family. Thanks."

I sent a message back telling flight control thanks for a good job. I printed out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father. The lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, "You have no idea how much this will mean to them."

Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing. After landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area. The ramp is huge with 15 gates on either side of the alleyway. It is always a busy area with aircraft maneuvering every which way to enter and exit. When we entered the ramp and checked in with the ramp controller, we were told that all traffic was being held for us.

"There is a team in place to meet the aircraft," we were told. It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from getting off the airplane. As we approached our gate, I asked the copilot to tell the ramp controller we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement to the passengers. He did that and the ramp controller said, "Take your time."

I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake. I pushed the public address button and said, "Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking I have stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement. We have a passenger on board who deserves our honor and respect. His Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who recently lost his life. Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the cargo hold. Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX. Also, on board are his father, mother, wife, and daughter. Your entire flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first. Thank you."

We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown procedures. A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door. I found the two forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see. I was told that after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in his seat, waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.

When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to clap his hands. Moments later more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft was clapping. Words of ‘God bless you’, 'I’m sorry', 'Thank you', 'Be proud', and other kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out of the airplane. They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved one.

Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had made. They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier.
[My thanks to Phil Hunter for forwarding this story]

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2010 Veterans Day Tribute

Today is November 11th.  Once again, it is time to remember and honor those who have served and who serve our nation today.  The freedom we enjoy today was, and still is, bought and paid with the blood, sweat and the lives of countless patriots that put the warmth and safety of their homes and families behind.  On this day, take a moment to thank our veterans who have served and those are in harm's way, today, defending our freedom and this great nation.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sony BDV-E770W: Top Notch Home Theater System

After extensive research I recently purchased a Sony BDV-E770W Home Theater System,  and I am thrilled with it. I strongly recommend this system if you are considering the purchase of a "Home Theater In a Box".

"Home Theater In a Box" is a collection of components designed to work together that are often purchased separately at much greater expense. It includes surround sound, a Blu-ray, DVD and CD player (compatible with music and photo files) and an FM radio receiver.  Newer systems include Internet streaming media such as Pandora Radio, YouTube and Netflix Movies. The latest improvements for these systems are wireless Internet connection so you can access Internet features wirelessly via your home network, wireless rear speakers so you don't have to snake wires from the unit (located with your TV in the front of the room) to their location at the rear of the room, and, most recently, 3D video capability.

The Sony BDV-E770W has all of this!  The sound quality is phenomenal!  And the DVD player up converts standard DVDs to 1080p HD.  You can easily spend thousands of dollars for such a system. During my prepurchase research I received an estimate of $3500 from a professional installer for a similar system. The BDV-E770W lists for $600 on the Sony site. I purchased mine on an Internet site for under $450, delivered with no tax!

CNet gave the Sony BDV-E770W an "Excellent" rating, saying it is "one of the best Blu-ray home theater systems we've tested." Their review opens with the following (Check out the full CNet Review):
The Sony BDV-E770W is the company's flagship Blu-ray home theater for 2010 and it's outfitted with just about every feature you could think of. It can stream media for a ton of online sources (including Netflix, Amazon VOD, Pandora, and Slacker) and it comes with a USB Wi-Fi dongle so you don't need Ethernet in the living room. A wireless rear-speaker package is also included, which is a welcome plus now that many manufacturers don't include this even on high-end systems. You can connect an iPod directly to the BDV-E770W's USB port, and browse your music using the onscreen display. The built-in Blu-ray player is even 3D-compatible. 
Netflix Interface: Click for Larger Image
I've had my BDV-E770W for a month, now, and I can't imagine any better performance from a $3500 custom system!  You can view your photo slide shows and listen to radio and music CDs in fantastic high quality stereo. Watching TV shows and movies with Dolby 5.1 surround sound on your HD TV is like going to the movies in your own home!  And, when you get your 3D capable TV sometime down the road, this Sony Home Theater System will be ready for that too!  So, pop some popcorn, turn the lights down, and put on your favorite Blu-ray movie.  You'll never need to go the movies again!

Important Note:  Be sure the system you purchase contains a "W" in the model number.  Sony sells a BDV-E770 which does not include wireless capabilities.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Traffic Pullover Life & Death Video

Law enforcement is very risky. Our police officers never know what is in store when they pull a vehicle over. The police video, below, from Hamilton, MT shows how a routine traffic pullover can instantly and unexpectedly lead to a life or death scenario.

A coroner's jury ruled that Police Officer Ross Jessop was justified in killing a man during a late night traffic stop. It took a six woman jury an hour to rule that Officer Jessop justifiably shot and killed Raymond Thane Davis after Davis shot at him. The 5 hours of testimony included this chilling video recording of the shooting made by the police car dash camera. Davis first tried shooting Officer Jessop in the face from a few inches away. The click of Davis' revolver's hammer hitting a previously fired round was audible on the tape. Davis then shot again as Officer Jessop retreated and drew his own weapon. The outcome would have been much different if the first round in the cylinder had been a live one. Davis died of wounds received when Officer Jessup returned fire.

[My thanks to Tom Nick for this article and video]

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yosemite's "Fire Waterfall"

At Yosemite National Park you can see and photograph a rare and beautiful natural phenomenon: a "firefall". But the conditions have to be just right. In the past, "firefalls" were waterfalls created with fire at Yosemite. A large fire was started atop Glacier Point and red-hot embers were pushed off a shear granite wall in the evening. It was Yosemite’s version of fireworks. Park officials learned it was a fire hazard in the 1960s and the practice was stopped.

For the real thing, the first ingredient you need, oddly enough, is sunlight. You can’t capture this effect throughout the year, and the setting sun is only in the right position during the last two weeks of February, when it can shine a golden spotlight down the center of Yosemite Valley. Wintertime can bring clouds and storms that block the sunlight, so timing and luck are everything.

The next ingredient you need for the firefall is water. The source of water comes from Horsetail Falls, a small waterfall atop El Capitan. The water basin that drains into Horsetail Falls is around 30 acres. The elevation at the top is 7569 feet. It is cold up there in February. It gets cold enough to freeze any snow or rain into a solid piece of ice. California also has dry years when waterfalls barely run. No water means no waterfall, and no firefall. So, again, timing and luck are everything, and this can be a rare sight.

The best location to view the firefall is slightly east of El Capitan near the base of the mountain. You need to be east of Horsetail Falls as the sun sets in the West. Sunlight shining through the waterfall creates the most brilliant colors. There is a small meadow that provides an opening in the forest at a perfect angle. The spot is in between Yosemite Lodge and El Capitan. Photographers gather in a large herd at the end of February. The easiest way to find that meadow is to look for a lot of cars parked along Northside Drive for no apparent reason. You have gone too far if you get to the large parking area directly in front of El Capitan.

Take a few moments and enjoy one of nature's rare and beautiful  phenomena.

[My thanks to "B-Cause" of "The Free Republic" blog for this article]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27th: A Special Day for Me

On July 27th, 1975, 35 years ago, I was awarded my Private Pilot License. One year later, on July 27th, 1976, I pinned on my Air Force Pilot Wings after completing Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma. These two occasions marked the achievement of my lifetime goal to become an Air Force pilot, and they marked the beginning of two tremendously exciting and rewarding careers as an Air Force fighter pilot and, later, an airline pilot.

July 27th is special to me in another way. It is the birthday of my late father who was born on July 27th, 1926. Years after the two events I described above, my father told me I was living his dream. I never knew his life dream was to fly. My father and I had a special relationship, and I am grateful I had the good fortune to be his son.

So, every year on this day, I get a little retrospective. I find it curious, to say the least, that these three events occurred on this day. But, most importantly, on this day, I reflect on what a lucky man I am.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First?"

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello
This world-famous vaudeville routine was performed by comic team Abbott and Costello in the late 1930's. In it, Lou Costello asks his partner, Bud Abbott, to tell him the names of the players on the St. Louis baseball team.   They have very unusual names, and the confusion they cause Lou Costello is truly hilarious.  The routine is brilliant and, although extremely difficult to deliver, it was masterfully done by the team.  It is, arguably, the best comedy routine of all time.

Some of you will remember this, as it was replayed on TV for many years.  There is nothing like it anymore.  For those seeing it for the first time, I guarantee it will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.  Turn up your volume and enjoy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Humor: Be Careful What You Wish For

The '60s comedy show, starring British Comedian Benny Hill, was a smash success.  Here's a short video from the show that illustrates why you should be careful what you wish for.

[My thanks to Tom Nick for forwarding this video]

Sunday, June 6, 2010

America Rising: Upcoming Elections

In November 2008, millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama based on his promise of "HOPE" and "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN".  They put their sacred trust in, not only the President, but the Congress as well.  Little more than a year later, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FEEL BETRAYED by an arrogant Administration and Congress hellbent on enacting their agenda, despite the thunderous outcries of the people.  And the people are truly scared about our future.  The video, below (author unknown), is a powerful  review of the past year with President Obama and Congress and what lies ahead in the next election.  This is a must view!

[My thanks to Edna Oeth for forwarding this video]

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Thought 2010

As we enjoy our three day weekend with family and friends, keep in mind what this holiday means.  The purpose of Memorial Day is to remember those who have served, sacrificed and died to keep our country free.  As we light our grills, enjoy our food and kick back, remember how much we owe these brave men and women, many who are in harm's way at this moment.  Consider attending a nearby Memorial Day ceremony at a National Cemetery or some other place near you.  Remember our heroes this Memorial Day...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Political Satire: Arizona Sing-Along

As you know, Arizona recently passed a bill, SB1070, which tasks Arizona state and local law enforcement to crack down on illegal immigrants.  The Arizona legislature felt compelled to write this law, which is merely a restricted version of the federal law, because the Federal Government has, thus far, refused to enforce their own law.  The resulting swarm of illegal immigrants into Arizona has led to record crime, kidnapping and murder in the state.

The Obama administration, embarrassed and feeling its toes stepped on (65 percent of Americans support this bill), instantly began a public relations campaign to slander and denounce the bill, stating it will violate Constitutional protection from unreasonable search and seizure and lead to racial profiling.  Of course, the bill will do nothing of the kind and has specific language to prevent such actions.  It turns out Administration officials who were the most vocal in criticizing the bill (Attorney General Eric Holder, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and others) had never even read it!

Recently, the state of Arizona began its own public relations campaign to counter the negative campaigns being waged against it by the Federal Government and other agencies. The state created a short satirical video focusing on this issue.  Check it out below.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Humor: Come to the USA

It's time for a break from the problems of the day.  The video, below, by singer and song writer Ray Stevens, pokes fun at the immigration situation.  Take a three minute break from your day for a little chuckle.

[My thanks to Greg Thew for forwarding this video]

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Response to Mexican President Calderon's Address to Congress

On May 20, 2010, MEXICAN PRESIDENT FELIPE CALDERON addressed a joint session of the US Congress where he had the audacity to lecture us about our immigration laws, criticizing SB1070, Arizona's recently passed illegal immigration law.  Afterward, HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE TOM McCLINTOCK (R-California) addressed the Congress, relaying his reaction to President Calderon's speech.  In doing so, he eloquently spoke for thousands of Americans, including yours truly, who were enraged after hearing the Mexican president lecture US about OUR country's immigration laws.  View it below.

[My thanks to Edna Oeth for forwarding this video]

Monday, May 17, 2010

Meltup: Total Economic Collapse Scenario

The NATIONAL INFLATION ASSOCIATION just posted its latest video, MELTUP.  In it, economists describe the causes and resulting scenario that will lead this nation to economic Armageddon.  In its first four days on YouTube this video received 196,000 views.  This is not an entertainment video.  It is lengthy (54 minutes) and technical, but it is a MUST SEE.  The only hope we have to avoid a catastrophic ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and the resulting CHAOS is to understand where we are as a nation, economically and politically, and to aggressively change our course.  This is not a scenario our children will experience.  Unless we wise up, WE ALL WILL EXPERIENCE IT, and soon!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Correct Way to Capture a Terrorist

Instead of decorating them with medals, Navy commanders court-martialed our heroes that captured a hardened terrorist while at war in Iraq. The allegation was that they might have punched him during the capture.  The Spanish have it right when it comes to catching and stopping terrorists.  Recently, a terrorist in Spain (not at war), claiming to have a hand grenade, demanded a motorcycle to make his getaway.  See how the Spanish authorities captured him.  Our government and military officials could learn something from watching this video.  SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!

[My thanks to Ralph Monte for forwarding this video]

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Humor: iPad Versus oPad

Apple recently released its new iPad.  But the Federal Government has a competing product for you to consider.  It's called the Obama Pad or oPad, for short.  Check it out.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Never Thought I'd Live to See the Day

Last night, after a year of arm twisting, back room deals, out in out, bribery and against the overwhelming outcry of the American people, an arrogant House of Representatives approved the Obama Administration's Healthcare Reform bill.  When history looks back on that night it will be remembered in infamy.  I will not, in this article, review the countless reasons this bill is bad for America.  That has already been done, and bemoaning the past does us no good.  However, as a man who loves this country and spent his life supporting and defending it, I am sickened.  I am witnessing the destruction of the country I love.   I never thought I'd live to see this day.  Our Constitution, the unique document that separates us from the rest of the world, defends our freedoms and that allowed us to become the greatest country in the history of the world, has been cast down and trampled by the Obama Administration and this Congress.  They are transforming this country to Socialism while vilifying Capitalism, the very system that made this country great.  At the same time they are bankrupting the nation's economy; not just the Federal Government's, but the States' as well.  I fear for our future, our children's future and our children's children's future.

House Minority Leader, John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) delivered an impassioned speech on the floor of the House, last night, prior to the vote.  It was one of the finest speeches I have ever heard.  It summed up my feelings better than I could hope to.  He admonished the Congress for what they have done to their honor, to our Constitution and to our country.  Watch it, below.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Urgent: Healthcare Reform Final Push

Congress is set to vote on the Healthcare Reform Bill on Sunday.  Despite the strongest outcry of the American people I have seen in my lifetime, the President and the Congress continue to ram this bill through by every means available.  They have used ARM TWISTING and out-in-out BRIBERY.  When that did not work, they CHANGED THE RULES.  First, they resorted to a procedure called RECONCILIATION in which the Senate would pass the bill with a SIMPLE MAJORITY instead of the required 2/3 MAJORITY.  Now, as passage in the House of Representatives becomes questionable, they are considering another loophole called DEEMING.  This process allows the House to vote on amendments WITHOUT FIRST PASSING THE ORIGINAL BILL.  By doing so, the original bill is DEEMED to have passed WITHOUT THE HOUSE EVEN VOTING ON IT!

This bill was created behind closed doors.  No one knows what it, actually, contains.  Speaker Pelosi stated that we need to pass the bill AND THEN find out what is in it.  The President, himself, told Bret Baier in a FOX news interview that AFTER THE BILL PASSES, THEN HE AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHAT IS IN IT. When the President took office a year ago, we were horrified to see him and the Congress pass bills that they had not read.  Now they intend to pass a bill affecting ONE SIXTH of our economy and TOTALLY CHANGE HEALTHCARE in this country BEFORE IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN!

Throughout this process, the President and Speaker Pelosi have been using the Chicago-style politics of BACK ROOM ARM TWISTING, THREATS and BRIBERY to force members of Congress to vote for this bill.  Estimates are that they are, now, within four votes of passing this legislation.  The President canceled his trip to the Pacific to step up the pressure during these final days with more arm twisting and back room deals.

Most doctors and members of the medical profession believe this new plan will severely degrade the quality of our medical care.  Massachusetts tried it, and it is bankrupting the state.  They are, now, asking the Federal Government for money to take it out of the red.  Statistically, the countries that have socialized medicine (Canada, Great Britain, etc.) have significantly worse survival rates and wait times for medical care.  And, make no mistake, THIS PLAN WILL RESULT IN RATIONING.  You, simply, cannot add 30 million people to the medical system without degradation.  There are not enough resources (doctors, hospitals, equipment, etc).  And, if that's not bad enough, hundreds of doctors say the new plan will put them out of business, thus reducing the number of doctors available to treat us.  The Mayo Clinic and Walgreens drug chain have already acted on their lack of confidence announcing they will no longer take patients under Medicare and Medicaid.  Doctors throughout the country are already refusing to accept new patients under Medicare.  The Federal Government tested the water last November with regard to rationing.  See my article, Healthcare Rationing Has Arrived.  I don't know about you, but I don't want the Federal Government running my healthcare with their track record.  Everything they run is corrupt, inefficient and goes bankrupt.  Have you ever tried to make a claim with Social Security?  How well is the Veterans Administration run?  Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt.  Even the US Postal Service (formerly run by the Federal Government) has never been financially solvent.  It lost 4 billion dollars last year and expects to lose 8 billion dollars this year.

Equally important is that no one really knows what the cost and effect of this new plan will be.  They claim they can add 3 million uninsured to the new plan, significantly reduce funding to the already bankrupt Social Security and Medicare plans, not adversely affect those plans and still  be deficit neutral.  How is that possible?  Worse yet, the figures they have shown are based on a plan we begin paying for immediately that doesn't go into effect for four years!  OUR COUNTRY IS ALREADY GOING BANKRUPT thanks to this Administration's runaway spending of the past year.  They are already imposing new taxes and working on more in an impossible attempt to make ends meet.  Moody's Investor Service warned, this week, that the U.S. is in danger of losing its AAA rating!  The financial analysis of this bill is being done with "smoke and mirrors".  Even the Congressional Budget Office finally succumbed to pressure from the White House.  What do you think this will do to the economic recovery we are hoping for?  The passage of this bill will put the final nail in the coffin of our economy and financial system.  As surely as the financial systems of Iceland and Greece have failed, so will ours.  It's simple math.  We can't continue to spend more than we have, print more dollars and survive (see my previous articles, The Dollar Bubble: Disaster in the Making, An Inconvient Debt:  Economic Apocalypse, and Stop the Madness: No More Bailouts ).

Finally, the American people have spoken loud and clear that they do not want Healthcare Reform in this package.  Most agree that Healthcare does need to be reformed, but an overwhelming majority of Americans do not like this bill for the reasons I stated, above.  They have risen up in a manner and degree I have never seen (Tea Parties, demonstrations, letters and phone calls to Congress) only to be ignored.  They manifested their anger at being ignored in the recent gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey and the shocking election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts (see my article, The People's Seat).  Still, we have been ignored.

Yesterday, Congress posted the 2700 page Healthcare Reform Bill, starting a 72 hour countdown for a vote in the House of Representatives.  A vote could come as early as Sunday.  It appears the Administration is within four votes of passing this bill.  It is CRITICAL that our Congressmen hear from us.  This may be our last chance to take our country back.  It's High Noon!  This is the final battle.  Contact your Congressmen and tell them in no uncertain terms, if they vote for this bill, to pack their bags.  WE WILL VOTE THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Robin Williams as the American Flag

This great video stars Robin Williams portraying the American Flag as only he could.  It's pure entertainment that will leave you just "feeling good".

[My thanks to Phil Hunter for forwarding this video]

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union Arrogance

Once again, the voice of the people has fallen on deaf ears!  Last night, at his first State of the Union address, President Barack Obama made it clear he has no intention of changing the arrogant course set by him and his administration during his first year in office.  Despite an overwhelming mandate by the citizens of this country, this Administration dismissed the TEA PARTY movement and the shocking GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION  RESULTS in Virginia and New Jersey where angry citizens threw out incumbent liberal Democratic governors.  With his State of the Union address last night, the President made it clear he is, also, ignoring the resounding message the people of Massachusetts sent when they handed a historic defeat to Democrat Martha Coakley in an election to fill the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, ending a 38 year Democratic reign in that state.

These events have one thing in common.  THE PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE THE DIRECTION THIS ADMINISTRATION IS TAKING THEIR COUNTRY, AND THEY ARE FED UP WITH BEING IGNORED!  Scott Brown, who defeated Martha Coakley in Massachusetts, summed up the message. He was against the Healthcare bill, Cap and Trade, unbridled spending, Mirandizing terrorists and trying them in civil courts.  Most importantly, he stated that members of Congress WORK FOR THE PEOPLE; that their election to office does not give them the right to ignore the people's will.

The President's speech, last night, was not a "State of the Union" address.  It was another "campaign" speech; and an arrogant one at that.  Throughout the hour and fifteen minute speech, I didn't, once, hear him mention the "state of the Union".  If he did, it got lost in all the political rhetoric.  He spent the majority of the speech drawing political lines and chiding groups that opposed his agenda. He arrogantly reinforced his intention to pass Healthcare, EVEN THOUGH THE PEOPLE WERE AGAINST IT!  He did the same with CAP AND TRADE.  His plan for a SPENDING FREEZE would not go into effect until 2011, would LOCK IN THE MAMMOTH SPENDING INCREASES OF 2009 AND 2010 and would be a "drop in the bucket" compared to the MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS his programs will create.  To think the American people would buy into this "sleight of hand" is an insult to their intelligence!

Rather than deliver a true "state of the Union", the President arrogantly LECTURED the Congress, Supreme Court and government agencies on how to do their jobs.  At the same time, he widened the partisan gap between the parties by publicly embarrassing the Republicans, accusing them of opposing anything proposed by the Democrats.  I have never seen this kind of admonishment in a State of the Union address, and it is undignified of a president to resort to this tactic.  He continues to blame the ills of the country on former President George W. Bush.  IT IS, NOW, THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENCY AND HAS BEEN FOR A YEAR!  The people are tired of that worn out excuse.

During the speech, President Obama showed brazen disregard for the CONSTITUTIONAL SEPARATION OF POWER which created three EQUAL, INDEPENDENT branches of the Federal Government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) to ensure no single entity acquired too much power.  HE PUBLICLY HUMILIATED THE SUPREME COURT for their decision in a recent campaign funding case.  He, even, had the audacity to reference the "Separation of Power" when he admonished them!  In its unprecedented grab for power, the Obama Administration has continually ignored and violated our Constitution (see my article, The Oath of Office and Political Action).  Once again, I have never seen that kind of admonishment in a State of the Union address.

In the end, the things said by the President during this State of the Union address ring hollow and meaningless.  Talk is cheap.  Actions count.  This President made many promises during his campaign:  Unprecedented transparency (CNet coverage of bill negotiations, posting all bills on the Internet for five days before signing), limits on lobbyists, earmark reform, and more.  Unfortunately, he has reneged on all of them.  And with all the rhetoric, the President made no mention of THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.  To the contrary, the defiant message was that he and his Administration were redoubling their efforts to enact the very legislation that the people said they do not want.

It's back to business as usual inside the beltway.  But the people will have their turn.  Elections are coming!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun Flying Fighter Style

As you know, we have serious issues to deal with every day; some of the most serious issues of our lifetime.  Tonight, the President will give his State of the Union address to the country.  Occasionally, we need a break.  Below, is a two minute video taken inside the cockpit of an F-18 fighter, accompanied by some some great music.  It shows the pilot launching from an aircraft carrier and performing some great aerobatics.  Take a few minutes to escape your day.  This is a video everyone can enjoy.  For my "gray haired " ex-fighter pilot colleagues, this will bring back some great memories.  Turn your volume way up and enjoy!

[My thanks to Rick Douglas '75 for this video]

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The People's Seat

There IS hope for the future of our country!  Tuesday, on behalf of all America, the people of Massachusetts spoke LOUD AND CLEAR and sent a strong message to the President and Congress.  In the senatorial election to replace the late Ted Kennedy, a Democratic reign came to an end.  For the first time in 38 years a Republican won a seat in the US Senate.  A relatively unknown Scott Brown swept up the Independent vote, overwhelming the state's 30% registered Democrats to beat Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley.  What was the message that led to this shocking turn of events?

Scott Brown eloquently voiced the deep concerns of millions of Americans that they have been arrogantly ignored by the President and the Congress since the election of 2008.  He clearly stated that members of Congress WORK FOR THE PEOPLE; that their election to office does not give them the right to ignore the people's will.  His response to a question posed to him during the senatorial debate by moderator, David Gergen, was one for the history books.  It was this response that catapulted him into the national spotlight and swept him into office.  In his question, Gergen referred to the Senate seat as "TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT".  Mr. Brown's answer was one for the ages.  He said, "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, IT'S NOT THE KENNEDYS' SEAT, AND IT'S NOT THE DEMOCRATS' SEAT.  IT'S THE PEOPLE'S SEAT." (View the video below)

During the campaign Brown clearly stated he would be the 41st vote against the Healthcare bill.  He became the mouthpiece for millions of disenfranchised Americans who feel that Congress does not care what we, as Americans, want.  Mr. Brown defined his belief in States' Rights and a reduced role for the Federal Government.  He, further, stated he believed our tax revenue should be used TO ARM OUR MILITARY TO DEFEAT TERRORISM AND NOT TO FUND LAWYERS TO DEFEND TERRORISTS, referring to the Obama administration's decision to try 9/11 terrorists in civil rather than military courts.  He voiced his intention to provide our military with whatever they need to win the War on Terror, and he promised to end Washington's unbridled spending spree that threatens the very survival of this country.  His entire campaign gave voice to the issues that have been concerning and enraging the American people.

Until now, the President and the Democrats in Congress have arrogantly ignored the unprecedented concerns of the American people, continuing to enact their own agenda.  Despite the stunning losses of the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races they insisted they were not a referendum on their policies.  THIS EVENT THEY COULD NOT DENY!  It sent the Democrats in Washington scurrying for the hills, putting as much distance as possible between them, Healthcare reform and other policies.

The sleeping giant has awakened.  Often quiet and apathetic, the American people have been brought to life, and their voices have finally been heard in Washington.  When the November elections arrive, we can do the same as Massachusetts and send the members of Congress that have failed to represent us packing.  WE HAVE BEGUN TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Dollar Bubble: Disaster in the Making

During the past year and a half, I published several articles warning of DIRE CONSEQUENCES if our Federal Government passed the Bailout and Stimulus packages and reformed Healthcare without regard to the resulting budget deficit.

In my article, Stop the Madness: No More Bailouts!*, I said those dire consequences would be a WORTHLESS DOLLAR, RUNAWAY INFLATION and TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE!  In a "60 Minutes" interview at that time, Barack Obama stated that the economic bailout would trump the budget deficit and that "...we shouldn't worry about the deficit next year or even the year after..."  Well, since that time, President Obama has made good on those promises.  He passed a TRILLION DOLLAR Stimulus Package, a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR bailout for the auto companies and is, now, ramrodding a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR Healthcare Reform Package through the Congress, none of which this country can afford.  All this has been done despite the most fervent outcries from the American people that I have seen in my lifetime!

In my article, Urgent Call to Action: Stop the Stimulus Package*, I restated my concerns and urged readers to contact their elected representatives and demand they vote down these bills.  Millions did exactly that.  And thousands more exercised their right to peaceful demonstration in the form of TEA PARTIES throughout the nation.  But, as we all know, the will of the people was ignored.  The TRILLION DOLLAR Stimulus Package containing BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF PORK was passed.  And the MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR Healthcare Package, it's true cost misrepresented, is being RAILROADED through the Congress behind closed doors by means of ARM-TWISTING, HARASSMENT and, out in out, BRIBERY.

This President, Congress and the Federal Reserve are creating a DOLLAR BUBBLE similar to the credit and real estate bubble that led to the near economic crash in November of 2008.  This time, however, the consequences will be exponentially worse.  Our Dollar is about to fail.  This will lead to the TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of the United States!  The resulting calamity will be unimaginable.  Ten percent unemployment will be remembered as "the good old days"!  People will starve.  As happened in Germany, those that have money will need to fill wheelbarrows just to buy food (see picture on right)!

I know this seems impossible.  The United States is the strongest country in the world; the last Superpower.  We are "too big to fail", aren't we?  No, we are not!  Many countries have suffered TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE in the last 20 years.  The results were disastrous.  The country of Iceland experienced TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE in October of 2008.  Already, other countries are turning their backs on the dollar in favor of other means for international trade.  If we can't convince other countries like China to finance our future debt, the dollar will immediately fail.  And there's already talk of that.

I believe we still have a chance to save the dollar, our economy and our country.  But to do so, we MUST IMMEDIATELY convince the President, Congress and the Federal Reserve to reverse their course of unbridled spending, debt and printing of currency.  Thus far, they have ignored us.  Our protests must be larger and louder.  I challenge each of you to do everything you can to voice your concern and demands of our Federal Government.  At the very least, write your elected officials and demand they vote down the final Healthcare bill when it goes before Congress.  Demand they stop spending the bailout and stimulus funds they still have and use them to pay off our debt.  Don't even let them start on Stimulus II.  They're already talking about it.  Go to the "Let Your Voice Be Heard" section at the top right of this page and enter your zip code under the words "Write to Congress".  You will be taken to the Congress.org website where you will be able to send letters directly to your elected officials.  Time is running out!

Below, is a fascinating video produced by the NATIONAL INFLATION ASSOCIATION which explains the current DOLLAR BUBBLE in detail.  It includes interviews from economists and members of Congress explaining how we got here, how the scenario will develop and what the consequences will be if we don't change our course. You may not sleep well after you view this video, but you owe it to yourself to view it.


*For further insight into the Dollar crisis, view my article, An Inconvenient Debt: Economic Apocalypse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Humor: School Answering Machine

This humorous video plays an alleged actual answering machine message at an Australian school after it instituted a policy that parents and students take responsibility for student failures. While this is quite funny, it is, also, sad because, in many cases, it is so true.

[My thanks to Ralph Monte for forwarding this]

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ralph's Site Reaches Milestone

Today, my blog reached a milestone.  It received it's 10,000th hit.  I know that by blog standards this is no big deal.  Many blogs get 10,000 hits and more in one day.  But, to me, this is a great achievement.  You see, I started my blog on December 6th, 2006, just over three years ago.  I created it, at that time, to host a virtual tour of my late mother's home which I was trying to sell after her death.  As often happens, out of bad comes good.  I sold my mother's home and was left with this blog I had created.  What should I do with it?  Should I just delete it?

I decided to use it as a personal site where I would publish articles and thoughts of interest to me.  I had no objective or goal other than it be an outlet for me.  I began to e-mail my friends when I created new posts and found many enjoyed reading them.  I, then, posted a link on my Air Force Academy alumni website where some of my colleagues began to read my articles.  It became a great source of satisfaction to me that others were interested in my ideas, humor and entertainment.

So, you see, to me this is a surprise and thrilling achievement.  Thank you for tuning into my humble blog these last three years.  I hope you continue to find my articles, humor and ramblings a source of entertainment and interest.