Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union Arrogance

Once again, the voice of the people has fallen on deaf ears!  Last night, at his first State of the Union address, President Barack Obama made it clear he has no intention of changing the arrogant course set by him and his administration during his first year in office.  Despite an overwhelming mandate by the citizens of this country, this Administration dismissed the TEA PARTY movement and the shocking GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION  RESULTS in Virginia and New Jersey where angry citizens threw out incumbent liberal Democratic governors.  With his State of the Union address last night, the President made it clear he is, also, ignoring the resounding message the people of Massachusetts sent when they handed a historic defeat to Democrat Martha Coakley in an election to fill the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, ending a 38 year Democratic reign in that state.

These events have one thing in common.  THE PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE THE DIRECTION THIS ADMINISTRATION IS TAKING THEIR COUNTRY, AND THEY ARE FED UP WITH BEING IGNORED!  Scott Brown, who defeated Martha Coakley in Massachusetts, summed up the message. He was against the Healthcare bill, Cap and Trade, unbridled spending, Mirandizing terrorists and trying them in civil courts.  Most importantly, he stated that members of Congress WORK FOR THE PEOPLE; that their election to office does not give them the right to ignore the people's will.

The President's speech, last night, was not a "State of the Union" address.  It was another "campaign" speech; and an arrogant one at that.  Throughout the hour and fifteen minute speech, I didn't, once, hear him mention the "state of the Union".  If he did, it got lost in all the political rhetoric.  He spent the majority of the speech drawing political lines and chiding groups that opposed his agenda. He arrogantly reinforced his intention to pass Healthcare, EVEN THOUGH THE PEOPLE WERE AGAINST IT!  He did the same with CAP AND TRADE.  His plan for a SPENDING FREEZE would not go into effect until 2011, would LOCK IN THE MAMMOTH SPENDING INCREASES OF 2009 AND 2010 and would be a "drop in the bucket" compared to the MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS his programs will create.  To think the American people would buy into this "sleight of hand" is an insult to their intelligence!

Rather than deliver a true "state of the Union", the President arrogantly LECTURED the Congress, Supreme Court and government agencies on how to do their jobs.  At the same time, he widened the partisan gap between the parties by publicly embarrassing the Republicans, accusing them of opposing anything proposed by the Democrats.  I have never seen this kind of admonishment in a State of the Union address, and it is undignified of a president to resort to this tactic.  He continues to blame the ills of the country on former President George W. Bush.  IT IS, NOW, THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENCY AND HAS BEEN FOR A YEAR!  The people are tired of that worn out excuse.

During the speech, President Obama showed brazen disregard for the CONSTITUTIONAL SEPARATION OF POWER which created three EQUAL, INDEPENDENT branches of the Federal Government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) to ensure no single entity acquired too much power.  HE PUBLICLY HUMILIATED THE SUPREME COURT for their decision in a recent campaign funding case.  He, even, had the audacity to reference the "Separation of Power" when he admonished them!  In its unprecedented grab for power, the Obama Administration has continually ignored and violated our Constitution (see my article, The Oath of Office and Political Action).  Once again, I have never seen that kind of admonishment in a State of the Union address.

In the end, the things said by the President during this State of the Union address ring hollow and meaningless.  Talk is cheap.  Actions count.  This President made many promises during his campaign:  Unprecedented transparency (CNet coverage of bill negotiations, posting all bills on the Internet for five days before signing), limits on lobbyists, earmark reform, and more.  Unfortunately, he has reneged on all of them.  And with all the rhetoric, the President made no mention of THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.  To the contrary, the defiant message was that he and his Administration were redoubling their efforts to enact the very legislation that the people said they do not want.

It's back to business as usual inside the beltway.  But the people will have their turn.  Elections are coming!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun Flying Fighter Style

As you know, we have serious issues to deal with every day; some of the most serious issues of our lifetime.  Tonight, the President will give his State of the Union address to the country.  Occasionally, we need a break.  Below, is a two minute video taken inside the cockpit of an F-18 fighter, accompanied by some some great music.  It shows the pilot launching from an aircraft carrier and performing some great aerobatics.  Take a few minutes to escape your day.  This is a video everyone can enjoy.  For my "gray haired " ex-fighter pilot colleagues, this will bring back some great memories.  Turn your volume way up and enjoy!

[My thanks to Rick Douglas '75 for this video]

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The People's Seat

There IS hope for the future of our country!  Tuesday, on behalf of all America, the people of Massachusetts spoke LOUD AND CLEAR and sent a strong message to the President and Congress.  In the senatorial election to replace the late Ted Kennedy, a Democratic reign came to an end.  For the first time in 38 years a Republican won a seat in the US Senate.  A relatively unknown Scott Brown swept up the Independent vote, overwhelming the state's 30% registered Democrats to beat Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley.  What was the message that led to this shocking turn of events?

Scott Brown eloquently voiced the deep concerns of millions of Americans that they have been arrogantly ignored by the President and the Congress since the election of 2008.  He clearly stated that members of Congress WORK FOR THE PEOPLE; that their election to office does not give them the right to ignore the people's will.  His response to a question posed to him during the senatorial debate by moderator, David Gergen, was one for the history books.  It was this response that catapulted him into the national spotlight and swept him into office.  In his question, Gergen referred to the Senate seat as "TEDDY KENNEDY'S SEAT".  Mr. Brown's answer was one for the ages.  He said, "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, IT'S NOT THE KENNEDYS' SEAT, AND IT'S NOT THE DEMOCRATS' SEAT.  IT'S THE PEOPLE'S SEAT." (View the video below)

During the campaign Brown clearly stated he would be the 41st vote against the Healthcare bill.  He became the mouthpiece for millions of disenfranchised Americans who feel that Congress does not care what we, as Americans, want.  Mr. Brown defined his belief in States' Rights and a reduced role for the Federal Government.  He, further, stated he believed our tax revenue should be used TO ARM OUR MILITARY TO DEFEAT TERRORISM AND NOT TO FUND LAWYERS TO DEFEND TERRORISTS, referring to the Obama administration's decision to try 9/11 terrorists in civil rather than military courts.  He voiced his intention to provide our military with whatever they need to win the War on Terror, and he promised to end Washington's unbridled spending spree that threatens the very survival of this country.  His entire campaign gave voice to the issues that have been concerning and enraging the American people.

Until now, the President and the Democrats in Congress have arrogantly ignored the unprecedented concerns of the American people, continuing to enact their own agenda.  Despite the stunning losses of the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races they insisted they were not a referendum on their policies.  THIS EVENT THEY COULD NOT DENY!  It sent the Democrats in Washington scurrying for the hills, putting as much distance as possible between them, Healthcare reform and other policies.

The sleeping giant has awakened.  Often quiet and apathetic, the American people have been brought to life, and their voices have finally been heard in Washington.  When the November elections arrive, we can do the same as Massachusetts and send the members of Congress that have failed to represent us packing.  WE HAVE BEGUN TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Dollar Bubble: Disaster in the Making

During the past year and a half, I published several articles warning of DIRE CONSEQUENCES if our Federal Government passed the Bailout and Stimulus packages and reformed Healthcare without regard to the resulting budget deficit.

In my article, Stop the Madness: No More Bailouts!*, I said those dire consequences would be a WORTHLESS DOLLAR, RUNAWAY INFLATION and TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE!  In a "60 Minutes" interview at that time, Barack Obama stated that the economic bailout would trump the budget deficit and that "...we shouldn't worry about the deficit next year or even the year after..."  Well, since that time, President Obama has made good on those promises.  He passed a TRILLION DOLLAR Stimulus Package, a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR bailout for the auto companies and is, now, ramrodding a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR Healthcare Reform Package through the Congress, none of which this country can afford.  All this has been done despite the most fervent outcries from the American people that I have seen in my lifetime!

In my article, Urgent Call to Action: Stop the Stimulus Package*, I restated my concerns and urged readers to contact their elected representatives and demand they vote down these bills.  Millions did exactly that.  And thousands more exercised their right to peaceful demonstration in the form of TEA PARTIES throughout the nation.  But, as we all know, the will of the people was ignored.  The TRILLION DOLLAR Stimulus Package containing BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF PORK was passed.  And the MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR Healthcare Package, it's true cost misrepresented, is being RAILROADED through the Congress behind closed doors by means of ARM-TWISTING, HARASSMENT and, out in out, BRIBERY.

This President, Congress and the Federal Reserve are creating a DOLLAR BUBBLE similar to the credit and real estate bubble that led to the near economic crash in November of 2008.  This time, however, the consequences will be exponentially worse.  Our Dollar is about to fail.  This will lead to the TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of the United States!  The resulting calamity will be unimaginable.  Ten percent unemployment will be remembered as "the good old days"!  People will starve.  As happened in Germany, those that have money will need to fill wheelbarrows just to buy food (see picture on right)!

I know this seems impossible.  The United States is the strongest country in the world; the last Superpower.  We are "too big to fail", aren't we?  No, we are not!  Many countries have suffered TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE in the last 20 years.  The results were disastrous.  The country of Iceland experienced TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE in October of 2008.  Already, other countries are turning their backs on the dollar in favor of other means for international trade.  If we can't convince other countries like China to finance our future debt, the dollar will immediately fail.  And there's already talk of that.

I believe we still have a chance to save the dollar, our economy and our country.  But to do so, we MUST IMMEDIATELY convince the President, Congress and the Federal Reserve to reverse their course of unbridled spending, debt and printing of currency.  Thus far, they have ignored us.  Our protests must be larger and louder.  I challenge each of you to do everything you can to voice your concern and demands of our Federal Government.  At the very least, write your elected officials and demand they vote down the final Healthcare bill when it goes before Congress.  Demand they stop spending the bailout and stimulus funds they still have and use them to pay off our debt.  Don't even let them start on Stimulus II.  They're already talking about it.  Go to the "Let Your Voice Be Heard" section at the top right of this page and enter your zip code under the words "Write to Congress".  You will be taken to the website where you will be able to send letters directly to your elected officials.  Time is running out!

Below, is a fascinating video produced by the NATIONAL INFLATION ASSOCIATION which explains the current DOLLAR BUBBLE in detail.  It includes interviews from economists and members of Congress explaining how we got here, how the scenario will develop and what the consequences will be if we don't change our course. You may not sleep well after you view this video, but you owe it to yourself to view it.


*For further insight into the Dollar crisis, view my article, An Inconvenient Debt: Economic Apocalypse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Humor: School Answering Machine

This humorous video plays an alleged actual answering machine message at an Australian school after it instituted a policy that parents and students take responsibility for student failures. While this is quite funny, it is, also, sad because, in many cases, it is so true.

[My thanks to Ralph Monte for forwarding this]

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ralph's Site Reaches Milestone

Today, my blog reached a milestone.  It received it's 10,000th hit.  I know that by blog standards this is no big deal.  Many blogs get 10,000 hits and more in one day.  But, to me, this is a great achievement.  You see, I started my blog on December 6th, 2006, just over three years ago.  I created it, at that time, to host a virtual tour of my late mother's home which I was trying to sell after her death.  As often happens, out of bad comes good.  I sold my mother's home and was left with this blog I had created.  What should I do with it?  Should I just delete it?

I decided to use it as a personal site where I would publish articles and thoughts of interest to me.  I had no objective or goal other than it be an outlet for me.  I began to e-mail my friends when I created new posts and found many enjoyed reading them.  I, then, posted a link on my Air Force Academy alumni website where some of my colleagues began to read my articles.  It became a great source of satisfaction to me that others were interested in my ideas, humor and entertainment.

So, you see, to me this is a surprise and thrilling achievement.  Thank you for tuning into my humble blog these last three years.  I hope you continue to find my articles, humor and ramblings a source of entertainment and interest.