The Stimulus Package is, now, before the Senate, and its price tag is approaching ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! This is in addition to the $700 billion Bailout Package that Congress passed last year which is also approaching ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! To fund these programs the government will TRIPLE THE CURRENCY in circulation, resulting in a WORTHLESS DOLLAR and HYPERINFLATION! This will bankrupt the nation! See my previous articles, Stop the Madness: No More Bailouts and An Inconvenient Debt: Economic Apocalypse. We CANNOT let this happen. I know most Americans feel helpless to change the course of politics in Washington. But there is something we CAN do.
What can WE, THE PEOPLE, do, you ask. The greatest power that WE, THE PEOPLE, have is our vote. One fear that all the politicians in Washington share is the fear that they WILL NOT BE REELECTED. If our elected officials in Washington know we are overwhelmingly against the passage of this bill, they will NOT pass it for fear we will vote them out in the next election. Therefore, WE MUST LET OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE SENATE KNOW THAT WE ARE AGAINST THE PASSAGE OF THIS BILL.
Below, is a letter I drafted that can be sent to our elected representatives in Washington via the Web, instructing them to vote this bill down. There is no salutation or closing required if you use the website outlined below.
The Economic Stimulus Package you are debating will result in national disaster. It is not targeted to the areas of our economy that need the stimulus. Rather, it is a runaway spending free-for-all that will excessively grow government and subsidize projects not related to the problem at hand. The largest portion of this package will not enter the economy until after 2010, and its effects will not be felt until well after that. This will be too late to reverse the recessionary trends we are facing today.
Finally, the price of this Economic Stimulus Package is colossal. As I write this letter, the price tag is approaching ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! To fund this and last year's Bailout Package the government will TRIPLE the currency in circulation, resulting in a WORTHLESS DOLLAR and HYPERINFLATION! THIS WILL SURELY DESTROY OUR ECONOMY! Our children and grandchildren will inherit a debt so heavy we can't imagine the effect it will have.
I implore you to avoid calamity and VOTE DOWN THIS ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE. Then you can start from scratch to develop a targeted, timely and reasonably priced stimulus package that will not shackle future generations with unimaginable debt.
If you agree that this bill must be stopped, then you must tell your elected officials to VOTE THIS BILL DOWN. TIME IS CRITICAL! President Obama wants the package passed by February 16th. Do the following (you may want to print out these instructions):
- Select and copy the letter above (no salutation or closing required; it is generated by the website)
- Go to the Oppose the Senate Stimulus Plan Congressional web page
- Enter your zip code in the box and click "Go"
- On the next page, confirm all your elected officials are checked
- Confirm the subject box states: "Oppose the Senate Stimulus Plan"
- Scroll down to the text box and click inside it
- In the top left of your browser click "Edit" then "Paste" in the drop down list (this will enter the letter you copied from above into the text box; you can edit as desired)
- Complete the "Closing" and "Name" boxes
- Scroll down and complete the remaining sections
- Click the "Send Message" button below the last section
I absolutely agree with your conclusions. Unfortunately, I did not get involved in this until after the bill was passed on Friday; however, i know that there must be viable options at this point. Do you have any ideas? I am working on gathering support in my area (dallas).
Thanks for reading my blog, Blake. Yes, there is still something you can do. Continue to write your elected officials and tell them what you expect of them. Go to the Congressional website,, type your zip code in the "Find Your Officials" box. Select "Federal" in "Write to your Federal Officials". Then tell them what you want them to do and that you hold them accountable for their actions. If we all do this, we have the power to change the things Congress does. We can't afford not to try!
The interesting moment
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