Sunday, July 25, 2010

Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First?"

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello
This world-famous vaudeville routine was performed by comic team Abbott and Costello in the late 1930's. In it, Lou Costello asks his partner, Bud Abbott, to tell him the names of the players on the St. Louis baseball team.   They have very unusual names, and the confusion they cause Lou Costello is truly hilarious.  The routine is brilliant and, although extremely difficult to deliver, it was masterfully done by the team.  It is, arguably, the best comedy routine of all time.

Some of you will remember this, as it was replayed on TV for many years.  There is nothing like it anymore.  For those seeing it for the first time, I guarantee it will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.  Turn up your volume and enjoy!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Extremely funny. I really enjoyed listening to it.