Friday, March 11, 2011

Cartoon: Teachers Union Explained

I have posted below, for your entertainment, a cartoon satirizing the argument of the need for teachers unions.  During my career as an airline pilot I was a member of the Airline Pilots Association, and I know that the power of unions can be critical to decent work conditions.  But, over the years, many union officials have modified the mission in ways not in the best interest of their members and of the country.  Check out this video and see what you think.

[My thanks to Tom Nick for forwarding this video]


Dianne said...


Not only teachers unions but ALL UNIONS. Leaving members feeling like victims of large organization or companies, who pay their salaries ,as the elite bullies.


I think we've outgrown unions. What do think?

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight -- you were a pilot, NOT a teacher; you belonged to a union but teachers are NOT supposed to have unions; and you know so much about education because you've been in public schools on a daily basis since...oh, let me guess...since you were in high school. Hmm...and I'm supposed to be enlightened by your perspective???

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

I created this blog as a forum to post items of interest to me. Additionally, it is for entertainment and comment by anyone interested in my articles. I believe I have been somewhat successful in my objectives, as I have a respectable following, and many of my articles have generated intelligent, interesting comments with viewpoints on all sides of the issues.

As I state in my intro, I welcome comments from all viewers, and I am happy to host differing points of view. But I expect the authors to be both civilized and factual. Your comments contain no facts or counterpoints. They are a series of vague personal attacks against me. If you do, in fact, have some valid counterpoints to make, I would be happy to host them on my site. Finally, if you do decide to post on my site in the future, please have the courage to identify yourself as the author.