Wednesday, July 30, 2008

F-16 Flameout Approach Video

Check out this compelling video of an F-16 performing a flameout approach and landing. All single engine fighter pilots in the Air Force practice and maintain proficiency in flameout approaches. But performing an "actual" one is very rare. The view is through the Heads UP Display (HUD). Watch how the pilot in the emergency aircraft and his wingman work together to get the aircraft safely on the ground. The wingman monitors his progress and approach, makes suggestions and all the radio calls to Air Traffic Control so the pilot in the emergency aircraft can concentrate on running checklists and flying his approach to the runway (no second chance without an engine). Notice how cool and calm both pilots remain throughout this incident. These two well trained, professional Air Force pilots did a superb job that saved a multimillion dollar aircraft and, probably, some lives, too!

F-16 Flameout Approach Video

[My thanks to Phil Upman for forwarding me this video]

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