Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Second Brain Test: Right or Left Brained? say that the side of your brain that is dominant determines many of your personality traits.  Simply put, left brain dominant people are rational, logical and detail oriented, while right brain dominant people are creative, intuitive and chaotic.

Check out this short, entertaining test and see which side of your brain dominates you.  Click on the brain or the link below to start.

The 30 Second Brain Test


Ralph Monte said...

L47 R53 using both still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up

Bob Monte said...

L48 R52 will follow in brothers footsteps once he decides

Nadezhda S said...

Interesting test- thank you. I'm right brained, as it turned out, and I agree. Although I do consider myself very organized, and sometimes logical, I'm more of a creative type. Well, that's why I write fiction. :)
Nadya Seiler

Crayton H said...

My results said I was 50-50. It was really neat to read about how simple tasks can determine things like this.