The election of 2012 is now history. This election, I believe, was the most important election of our lifetime, and I can't help but believe that the outcome of this election is the death knell of our country as we know it.
By the end of Obama's next term, we will have DOUBLED OUR NATIONAL DEBT from 10 TRILLION DOLLARS when he was first elected to an unsustainable 20 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2016. I don't see how our economy can survive. We are certain to follow in the footsteps of Greece and the other European nations that were fiscally irresponsible. We will see hyperinflation, where our dollar will be nearly worthless. And, I fear, we may see TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.
We built a great nation and became the envy of the world by harnessing the initiative and effort of the individual. FREE ENTERPRISE encouraged entrepreneurship because any American could prosper from his own initiative and hard work. President Obama continues to vilify the successful and create obstructions to entrepreneurship with excessive regulation and government interference. He continues to enact his SOCIALIST AGENDA where the government controls everything. He will continue to waste billions of our taxpayer dollars investing in private companies that will go bankrupt. By vilifying free enterprise Obama is taking away the incentive of the
populace to work. And he is making
scores of additional people dependent upon the government for their very survival. We do not want, nor can we afford a welfare state. With four more years of Obama, we will join Europe in fiscal collapse. President Obama wants the government to control our healthcare and, even, tell us what we can and can't eat! In his war on conventional energy, Obama continues to block the construction of the oil pipeline from Canada that would significantly aid our progress toward energy independence and, at the same time, create thousands of jobs.
Our borders will become unsafe. They already have. We don't protect our borders. The attacks of 9/11 were the loudest possible wake-up call. The Obama administration refused to call it what it is: terrorism perpetrated by Extremist Islamic Fundamentalists around the world. By doing so, and by pandering to all our enemies, we have shown weakness. This will encourage further violence. Even worse, we have turned our backs on our allies. The Obama administration pulled its support from Israel, dissed the British, coddled Hugo Chavez, and the list goes on! Most recently, we have shown that we will allow terrorists to kill
Americans without even employing our military might to save them. Afterward, we don't express outrage or attempt to bring the
perpetrators to justice. The Obama administration, then, lies to the people to hide its role in its failure to protect our citizens. Our allies don't believe we will support them, and, so, they will no longer support us. The tide is already turning in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are abandoning us in favor of the Muslim extremists because they know we are pulling the rug out from under them, and they will be left to deal with the remaining Muslim extremists we promised to eradicate. Four more years of this foreign policy will be disastrous!
This article is an attempt at closure for me. You see, I love this country. I dedicated my life to protecting it, and I fear that four more years of Obama will destroy our country.
Regardless, I cannot and will not give up the hope that we, as Americans, can come back despite the results of yesterday's election. The video, below, is the beginning scene of the new HBO series "The Newsroom". It explains why AMERICA IS NO LONGER THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. It is difficult for Americans to accept this truth. But if we allow ourselves to recognize it, I believe we can fix it and, once again, become the greatest nation the world has ever known.
Regardless, I cannot and will not give up the hope that we, as Americans, can come back despite the results of yesterday's election. The video, below, is the beginning scene of the new HBO series "The Newsroom". It explains why AMERICA IS NO LONGER THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. It is difficult for Americans to accept this truth. But if we allow ourselves to recognize it, I believe we can fix it and, once again, become the greatest nation the world has ever known.
[My thanks to Lois Garliech for forwarding this video]
Hi Cousin Ralph! I thought I would let you know that I follow your blog and I appreciate your opinions, albeit I don't agree with most of them. :-) I wouldn't say that I completely align with the Democrats--I'm most certainly too liberal for their taste.
I didn't post a comment to stir a big debate. Rather, I wanted to "reach across the aisle" and invite you to my wedding. Would you mind sending me your address when you get the chance? The wedding is September 1, 2013 in Portland, Oregon and we would absolutely love it if you can make a trip out here! I would get a chance to finally meet your beautiful wife! :-)
As I watched the crowds cheer when the president was declared the winner, I could not help but remember a quote from Star Wars Episode III "Revenge of the Sith"
"So this is how liberty dies... With thunderous applause."
Well Ralph, You have to give up watching that FOX News Propaganda... they are mean spirited liars. It break my heart that you believe their
crap. I am happy as we have a president who doesn't lie, keeps his cool, and looks out for the average guy. I am happy Obama care will stop the freud that Rick Scott , M. Bachmann, and Robmee, have cashed in on. I am happy that as a woman who has a very high level degree will make the same money as a man. I am happy that I can go to bed tonight, and know the man in office is for everyone. I am not sorry your vote was worthless, just like your opinion. IAM NOT SORRY YOUR TAXES WILL GO UP. Take Care Neicie
Thanks for the comment, Rescue, and for reading my blog. I am aware that we have different political views. But I am very happy to hear that you respect mine. I respect yours as well. I think, if more people in our country respected each others' views as we do, our country would be in much better shape. I'll contact you privately about the wedding.
I have known you since you were in high school, Denise. And I must say I am taken aback by the mean sprited nature of your comments. I believe your father would be saddened.
Your reflection of views related to the election encompassed a great accounting of the overview across the important areas of concern for the forward movement of our nation. As one reads the points, the post provides guidelines of what to be aware of in the coming months, years, and to research to be more involved in areas that impact our nation. Godspeed!
I appreciate your opinion, but I do not agree with it. I keep hearing the same sort of thing from both parties. The other guys are evil and will destroy the US because they aren’t doing what we want. I may be wrong but I am under the impression that the politicians in office were put there to serve the people in as responsible a manner as they could manage. That translates to, “Work together to make things better.” That seems like a fairly simple concept, but I haven’t seen a lot of that going on for the last 12 years.
Maybe it is time to stop vilifying the other side and blaming them for all of the problems we face and work together to fix things. It is a novel concept but maybe it is time to stop whining because our side didn’t win this or that position and participate in the process so we can still make a (positive) difference. Just perhaps it is time to act like grown-ups instead of spoiled children who didn’t get their way, and get the job done. We are all Citizens of the United States and although we may not have the same idea of how to do it, the task is to find a compromise that will work.
When you demonize the other side you can’t compromise. When winning is the most important thing you lose sight of the important goals and miss the chance to achieve them. When you hate the other side you stop listening to what they say or more to the point everything they say is a “lie”. The fact checkers pointed out that both sides said some things that weren’t true during this election. The interesting thing is that each side viewed their candidates’ lies as simple mistakes while their opponent’s were deliberate and malicious lies.
We can accomplish just about anything is we roll up our sleeves and work together.
iRalph, I find it sad you're focusing on the election. . .not one word about the hardships your fellow citizens in New Jersey are enduring now. America didn't die. . .the Republican Party did! I think my Dad would be proud of Denise for standing up for what she believes.
Anonymous #2,
First, thank you for reading my blog and taking the time to comment. Although we are on opposite sides of the political aisle, I agree with many of your points.
We do put politicians in office to serve the people. I think all of us agree they have failed us in that respect. Extreme polarization and putting a political party’s interest ahead of the welfare of the country is wrong. Because of this attitude our system is broken. The Congress is impotent and cannot act on anything of importance. The effects are very dangerous for the future of our country. Vilifying and name calling, from whichever side, just make things worse. Unfortunately, the deep divisiveness in our government has spread to the people.
I agree with your premise that all members of Congress need to learn to compromise. It can be done, and it has been done in the past. And your point that, “We are all citizens of the United States and although we may not have the same idea of how to do it, the task is to find a compromise that will work,” is right on the mark! In the end, you and I want the same things; to be free, safe and happy, and to be able to pursue the American Dream.
Once again, the issue is how to do it. You and I have different philosophies on this. Where we differ, I believe, is in our views of the world. I believe we must be realistic in our approach. Though a noble approach, the government cannot provide its citizens with everything they need. We cannot afford it. Greece tried it, and they have gone bankrupt. Although I wish we could find peace by being nicer to others, that is not the case. Some nations are aggressive and will attack and hurt us if we are not strong. There are people in the world that want to kill us because we are different than they are. No matter how nice we are, they will still kill us if they can.
I believe you and I want the same things, Anonymous #2. Our country needs to put aside the divisiveness and hate and work together. But we must be realistic about the world we live in.
I did not post on my blog the actions I have taken to help my family and friends with regard to Superstorm Sandy. And you are not a Facebook friend, so you are not aware of my post to friends and family in the Northeast. I hope you, yourself, have contributed to the recovery effort there.
If you read the article, above, you would know that I am very concerned about the future of our country. And I have supported my concerns with facts.
I respect your sister, Denise's, opinions as I do all opinions, regardless of whether I agree with them or not. I do not, however, respect mean spirited, emotional and personal attacks with no factual content. Intelligent men and women may disagree, but the disagreement must be based on fact and avoid personal attack.
Finally, I remember your dad as a kind and friendly man. If he disagreed with me, I believe he would have let me know in a much kinder manner. I do believe he would be saddened to see the anger and meanness his daughters have shown to an old friend. I know I am.
In non-partisan style, should it be we just work with our local representative and State Senator to voice our opinion and seek action? At this point writing via email may be a positive solution moving forward..
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