Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun Flying Fighter Style

As you know, we have serious issues to deal with every day; some of the most serious issues of our lifetime.  Tonight, the President will give his State of the Union address to the country.  Occasionally, we need a break.  Below, is a two minute video taken inside the cockpit of an F-18 fighter, accompanied by some some great music.  It shows the pilot launching from an aircraft carrier and performing some great aerobatics.  Take a few minutes to escape your day.  This is a video everyone can enjoy.  For my "gray haired " ex-fighter pilot colleagues, this will bring back some great memories.  Turn your volume way up and enjoy!

[My thanks to Rick Douglas '75 for this video]


Helen Lancashire said...

I thoroughly enjoyed "the experience". It helped me understand what excitement the pilot must feel.

cheryl Strampel said...

Thank you for sharing the experience of a pilot looks really exciting, but I would be so scared especially the landing, You are all so brave.

Anonymous said...

wow i have often watched in wonder what the pilots must be feeling and now you have given me an understanding of just how free and spiritual it is to fly! thank you for giving me your blog address from the senior site. frenchy49