Veterans Day is upon us once again. On Monday we remember and
honor those who have served and those who still serve our country.
You've heard it before. These men and women put themselves in harm's
way and put their lives on the line to defend our country and keep us
safe. They have given up the comfort of their warm homes to go to the ends
of the earth. Many suffered serious injury and death in the
performance of their duties.
As the conflicts in the Middle East wind down and our troops return home, thousands remain in harm's way, scores have paid the
ultimate price, and hundreds have returned home with life changing
injuries. Once again I would like to extend a challenge to all of my
readers to make a donation to one of the many organizations that help
our Veterans in need. The
Disabled American Veterans and
Wounded Warrior Project
are just two. I continue to donate funds to veterans organizations and contribute monthly to the Wounded Warrier Project to help those veterans who need our
help. I hope you will do the same.
Again this year I have included, for your entertainment, my favorite video honoring the
men and women of our armed forces. It honors them in an exciting and upbeat way that will have you on your feet! To date it has been viewed over 53,000 times and continues to receive rave reviews. Turn up your volume,
select full screen and take a few moments to enjoy it.