As Americans search for ways to prevent the repeating of violent crimes like those that occurred in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut, we must be careful not to choose the wrong solution. Restricting the right of Americans to bear arms is not the answer. In fact, a well intended attempt in Australia in 1997 had the exact opposite effect. The result was a frightening increase in violence and crime.
In the 1997 attempt to curb crime and violence, the Australian government required its citizens to turn in semiautomatic and assault weapons and created requirements for private citizens to keep their remaining weapons unloaded and locked up in their homes. The result was a staggering 69% increase in armed robberies, 28% increase in assaults with guns, 19% increase in gun murders and 21% increase in home invasions.
As I write this article, Vice President Joe Biden is heading up a commission to find ways to curb gun violence. In his first public statement today, Mr. Biden stated that the White House could take "unilateral action on gun control." Executive action by the President would completely circumvent the Congress, and President Obama has been trying to erode our Second Amendment right to bear arms since he took office.
The video, below, gives chilling testimony to the Australian attempt gone wrong. Don't let this happen in the United States. Protect your Second Amendment rights.
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donate to the
National Rifle Association, and
write your congressmen. Our right to bear arms is seriously under attack.
[My thanks to Leslie Pellegrino for forwarding this video ]