Several weeks ago I was invited to participate in Honor lessons with the basics of the Class of 2015 at the Air Force Academy. The intent was to show these future cadets and officers that Academy grads feel the Cadet Honor Code is important enough for us to take the time to discuss it with them.
Yesterday, I taught my first lesson. Twenty of us (Air Force Academy grads of many different graduating classes) met at the B-52 static display and were bussed to Jack's Valley, the cadet field encampment area. This is where the basics spend the second half of their basic training, and it was the first time I'd been back to Jack's Valley since I was a basic in 1969. It was unbelievably nostalgic. Jack’s Valley, for me, was a good experience. I lived in a tent with my element of 10 fellow basics, qualified expert in the M-16 and the Air Force sidearm of the time (Smith & Wesson .38 cal Combat Masterpiece), learned survival techniques and land navigation, conquered the Bayonet Assault Course, the Group Reactions Course and more.
The lesson was very simple. I met with six basics in a relaxed, informal setting, sat down and discussed honor and integrity with them for an hour. I stressed the importance of honor and integrity at the Academy, in the Air Force and in their personal lives, and answered many questions. The last 20 minutes I answered questions on any subjects and told stories of my experiences in the Air Force and life. I believe it was a good lesson for the basics, and it was very rewarding for me. I’m looking forward to doing it again next Tuesday and Thursday.
I have included, below, some pics I took in Jack's Valley yesterday. (Click to view full size)
The Basics' Tents
Basics Marching to Training
More Marching
Inside the Compound
An Element of Basics Marching
Another Look at the Compound