Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yosemite's "Fire Waterfall"

At Yosemite National Park you can see and photograph a rare and beautiful natural phenomenon: a "firefall". But the conditions have to be just right. In the past, "firefalls" were waterfalls created with fire at Yosemite. A large fire was started atop Glacier Point and red-hot embers were pushed off a shear granite wall in the evening. It was Yosemite’s version of fireworks. Park officials learned it was a fire hazard in the 1960s and the practice was stopped.

For the real thing, the first ingredient you need, oddly enough, is sunlight. You can’t capture this effect throughout the year, and the setting sun is only in the right position during the last two weeks of February, when it can shine a golden spotlight down the center of Yosemite Valley. Wintertime can bring clouds and storms that block the sunlight, so timing and luck are everything.

The next ingredient you need for the firefall is water. The source of water comes from Horsetail Falls, a small waterfall atop El Capitan. The water basin that drains into Horsetail Falls is around 30 acres. The elevation at the top is 7569 feet. It is cold up there in February. It gets cold enough to freeze any snow or rain into a solid piece of ice. California also has dry years when waterfalls barely run. No water means no waterfall, and no firefall. So, again, timing and luck are everything, and this can be a rare sight.

The best location to view the firefall is slightly east of El Capitan near the base of the mountain. You need to be east of Horsetail Falls as the sun sets in the West. Sunlight shining through the waterfall creates the most brilliant colors. There is a small meadow that provides an opening in the forest at a perfect angle. The spot is in between Yosemite Lodge and El Capitan. Photographers gather in a large herd at the end of February. The easiest way to find that meadow is to look for a lot of cars parked along Northside Drive for no apparent reason. You have gone too far if you get to the large parking area directly in front of El Capitan.

Take a few moments and enjoy one of nature's rare and beautiful  phenomena.

[My thanks to "B-Cause" of "The Free Republic" blog for this article]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27th: A Special Day for Me

On July 27th, 1975, 35 years ago, I was awarded my Private Pilot License. One year later, on July 27th, 1976, I pinned on my Air Force Pilot Wings after completing Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma. These two occasions marked the achievement of my lifetime goal to become an Air Force pilot, and they marked the beginning of two tremendously exciting and rewarding careers as an Air Force fighter pilot and, later, an airline pilot.

July 27th is special to me in another way. It is the birthday of my late father who was born on July 27th, 1926. Years after the two events I described above, my father told me I was living his dream. I never knew his life dream was to fly. My father and I had a special relationship, and I am grateful I had the good fortune to be his son.

So, every year on this day, I get a little retrospective. I find it curious, to say the least, that these three events occurred on this day. But, most importantly, on this day, I reflect on what a lucky man I am.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First?"

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello
This world-famous vaudeville routine was performed by comic team Abbott and Costello in the late 1930's. In it, Lou Costello asks his partner, Bud Abbott, to tell him the names of the players on the St. Louis baseball team.   They have very unusual names, and the confusion they cause Lou Costello is truly hilarious.  The routine is brilliant and, although extremely difficult to deliver, it was masterfully done by the team.  It is, arguably, the best comedy routine of all time.

Some of you will remember this, as it was replayed on TV for many years.  There is nothing like it anymore.  For those seeing it for the first time, I guarantee it will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.  Turn up your volume and enjoy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Humor: Be Careful What You Wish For

The '60s comedy show, starring British Comedian Benny Hill, was a smash success.  Here's a short video from the show that illustrates why you should be careful what you wish for.

[My thanks to Tom Nick for forwarding this video]