Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Thought 2010

As we enjoy our three day weekend with family and friends, keep in mind what this holiday means.  The purpose of Memorial Day is to remember those who have served, sacrificed and died to keep our country free.  As we light our grills, enjoy our food and kick back, remember how much we owe these brave men and women, many who are in harm's way at this moment.  Consider attending a nearby Memorial Day ceremony at a National Cemetery or some other place near you.  Remember our heroes this Memorial Day...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Political Satire: Arizona Sing-Along

As you know, Arizona recently passed a bill, SB1070, which tasks Arizona state and local law enforcement to crack down on illegal immigrants.  The Arizona legislature felt compelled to write this law, which is merely a restricted version of the federal law, because the Federal Government has, thus far, refused to enforce their own law.  The resulting swarm of illegal immigrants into Arizona has led to record crime, kidnapping and murder in the state.

The Obama administration, embarrassed and feeling its toes stepped on (65 percent of Americans support this bill), instantly began a public relations campaign to slander and denounce the bill, stating it will violate Constitutional protection from unreasonable search and seizure and lead to racial profiling.  Of course, the bill will do nothing of the kind and has specific language to prevent such actions.  It turns out Administration officials who were the most vocal in criticizing the bill (Attorney General Eric Holder, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and others) had never even read it!

Recently, the state of Arizona began its own public relations campaign to counter the negative campaigns being waged against it by the Federal Government and other agencies. The state created a short satirical video focusing on this issue.  Check it out below.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Humor: Come to the USA

It's time for a break from the problems of the day.  The video, below, by singer and song writer Ray Stevens, pokes fun at the immigration situation.  Take a three minute break from your day for a little chuckle.

[My thanks to Greg Thew for forwarding this video]

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Response to Mexican President Calderon's Address to Congress

On May 20, 2010, MEXICAN PRESIDENT FELIPE CALDERON addressed a joint session of the US Congress where he had the audacity to lecture us about our immigration laws, criticizing SB1070, Arizona's recently passed illegal immigration law.  Afterward, HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE TOM McCLINTOCK (R-California) addressed the Congress, relaying his reaction to President Calderon's speech.  In doing so, he eloquently spoke for thousands of Americans, including yours truly, who were enraged after hearing the Mexican president lecture US about OUR country's immigration laws.  View it below.

[My thanks to Edna Oeth for forwarding this video]

Monday, May 17, 2010

Meltup: Total Economic Collapse Scenario

The NATIONAL INFLATION ASSOCIATION just posted its latest video, MELTUP.  In it, economists describe the causes and resulting scenario that will lead this nation to economic Armageddon.  In its first four days on YouTube this video received 196,000 views.  This is not an entertainment video.  It is lengthy (54 minutes) and technical, but it is a MUST SEE.  The only hope we have to avoid a catastrophic ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and the resulting CHAOS is to understand where we are as a nation, economically and politically, and to aggressively change our course.  This is not a scenario our children will experience.  Unless we wise up, WE ALL WILL EXPERIENCE IT, and soon!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Correct Way to Capture a Terrorist

Instead of decorating them with medals, Navy commanders court-martialed our heroes that captured a hardened terrorist while at war in Iraq. The allegation was that they might have punched him during the capture.  The Spanish have it right when it comes to catching and stopping terrorists.  Recently, a terrorist in Spain (not at war), claiming to have a hand grenade, demanded a motorcycle to make his getaway.  See how the Spanish authorities captured him.  Our government and military officials could learn something from watching this video.  SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!

[My thanks to Ralph Monte for forwarding this video]