In 1948 HARDING COLLEGE produced an animated cartoon heralding the principles of freedom that made this country great and defining the threats posed by excessive government to these same freedoms. The cartoon explained in a simple, entertaining way how FREE ENTERPRISE built this nation and transformed it into the envy of the world. It showed how EXCESSIVE GOVERNMENT can erode the freedoms we take for granted every day by REPLACING CAPITALISM WITH SOCIALISM and by RESTRICTING OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH guaranteed by the First Amendment of our Constitution. It, further, showed how the INSTIGATION OF CLASS WARFARE could be used as a tool by those who would take away our freedoms. Sound familiar?
I FIND IT ASTONISHING HOW APPLICABLE THIS CARTOON IS TO OUR COUNTRY TODAY. The Federal government is attempting to gain control of our major institutions. It already CONTROLS THE BANKING AND AUTO INDUSTRIES. And it is attempting to GAIN CONTROL OF THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY. Among government officials, the press and Hollywood celebrities the word, CAPITALISM, IS CHARACTERIZED AS A CURSE WORD. They are pitting citizen against citizen with a CLASS WARFARE CAMPAIGN the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime. They are TAKING HARD EARNED MONEY FROM SOME AND GIVING IT TO OTHERS who did not work for it. They are ATTACKING OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH and DISMISSING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
61 years ago, HARDING COLLEGE recognized these threats to our freedom. At that time, most citizens recognized and defeated them. View this video, below. You will be astounded to see how history is repeating itself. Last time, we recognized the threat and defeated it. Let's be sure we do the same this time. EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE!
[My thanks to Greg Thew for forwarding this video to me]